El-Lobody, E.Lam, Dennis2013-09-122013-09-122003El-Lobody E and Lam D (2003) Finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite girders. Advances in Structural Engineering. 6(4): 267-281.90021984http://hdl.handle.net/10454/5643Finite element models for the analysis of solid slabs and precast hollow core slabs composite girders are presented. For both models, 8-node three-dimensional solid elements are used in the analysis. The material non-linearity of all components of the composite girders is taken into consideration. The non-linear load-slip characteristics of the headed shear stud connectors are included in the models. The models predict load – deflection behaviour and stress distribution along the length of the beam. Good agreement is obtained between the models and results previously published.enSteelConcreteCompositeBeamsGirdersFinite element analysisModellingFinite element analysis of steel-concrete composite girdersArticlehttps://doi.org/10.1260/136943303322771655