Anoh, Kelvin O.O.Elkhazmi, Elmahdi A.Abd-Alhameed, RaedMadubuko, O.Bin-Melha, Mohammed S.Jones, Steven M.R.Ghazaany, Tahereh S.2016-10-072016-10-072013Anoh KOO, Elkazmi E, Abd-Alhameed R et al (2013) Improved multi-antenna system capacity using beamformer weights. In: 8th International Design and Test Symposium. 16-18 Dec 2013. Marrakech, Marocco. IEEE: Article number 6727086. is used to achieve diversity gain. It is a technique in diversity to remedy power penalty due to channel fading. The beam-weights for multi-antenna system are evaluated for two different approaches. These weights are then used to weight the signal beams of each transmit antenna branch. Results reveal that by exploiting the transmit channel substructures exposed by the singular vector decomposition algorithm, the capacity of a multi-antenna system can be enhanced.enDiversityBeamformingWeightsMultiple-Inputs Multiple-OutputsMIMOCapacityImproved multi-antenna system capacity using beamformer weightsConference paper