Cleaver, Frances D.2010-11-192010-11-192010-11-19Cleaver, F. D. (Ed). (2003). Masculinities matter: Men, gender and development. London: Zed Books. appear to be missing from much gender and development policy, but many emerging critiques suggest the need to pay more attention to understanding men and masculinities, and to analysing the social relationships between men and women. This book considers the case for a focus on men in gender and development, which requires us to reconsider some of the theories and concepts which underlie policies. It includes arguments based on equality and social justice, the specific gendered vulnerabilities of men, the emergence of a crisis of masculinity and the need to include men in development as partners for strategic change.enMenSocial relationshipsGrender and developmentWomenMasculinityMasculinities matter: Men, gender and development.Book