See, Chan H.Abd-Alhameed, RaedMcEwan, Neil J.Jones, Steven M.R.Asif, RameezExcell, Peter S.2016-11-282016-11-282014See CH, Abd-Alhameed R, McEwan NJ et al (2014) Design of a Printed MIMO/Diversity Monopole Antenna for Future Generation Handheld Devices. International Journal of Rf and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. 24(3): 348-359.900025869000985490008974900139929000885990025746 article presents a printed crescent-shaped monopole MIMO diversity antenna for wireless communications. The port-to-port isolation is increased by introducing an I-shaped conductor symmetrically between the two antenna elements and shaping the ground plane. Both the computed and experimental results confirm that the antenna possesses a wide impedance bandwidth of 54.5% across 1.6-2.8 GHz, with a reflection coefficient and mutual coupling better than -10 and -14 dB, respectively. By further validating the simulated and the measured radiation and MIMO characteristics including far-field, gain, envelope correlation and channel capacity loss, the results show that the antenna can offer effective MIMO/diversity operation to alleviate multipath environments.Monopole antennaPort-to-port isolationReflection coefficientMutual couplingMimoMobile terminalsSystemElementsReductionCapacityPifasDesign of a Printed MIMO/Diversity Monopole Antenna for Future Generation Handheld DevicesArticle