Bluth, ChristophMorvaridi, BehroozTarfa, Usman F.2025-01-092025-01-092021 borders were arbitrarily drawn by the European powers. The post-independence African leaders agreed to maintain the inherited arbitrary partitions as discarding them would open doors for more crisis between African states. However, sixty years after independence, border disputes continued to persist. This study investigates why border disputes persist between Nigeria and Benin Republic despite available regional and bilateral mechanisms, the area in contention has no strategic value or economic significance, and no overlapping power struggle between the states and the border communities. Empirical data were collected using the case study method. The key finding of the study revealed that the domestic politics in the challenge state, Benin Republic played an important role in the initialization and persistence of the border dispute. The initialization of the border dispute was linked to tenure elongation in the challenger state while the persistence of the dispute was due to the challenger state’s resilience and dependence on policies and decisions of their previous Government and the nonchalant attitude of the target state, Nigeria towards its borders and borderland communities.en<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />The University of Bradford theses are licenced under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Licence</a>.African regional organizationsDomestic politicsForeign policyBorder disputesBorderlandsUngoverned spacesMarginalizationNigeriaBeninWest AfricaThe Dynamics of Border Disputes in State Making: The Fragile Borderlands in the Northern Region between Nigeria and Benin Republic in West Africadoctoral