Buxton, Julia2015-07-012015-07-012008-07Buxton J (2008) Reintegration and Long-Term Development: Linkages and Challenges. Thematic Working Paper 5. [Contribution to the Project: DDR and Human Security: Post-Conflict Security-Building and the Interests of the Poor]. Bradford: Centre for International Cooperation and Security, University of Bradford.90014595http://hdl.handle.net/10454/7312This working paper explores reinsertion and reintegration processes and how these connect (or are expected to connect) with donor-led strategies for post-conflict reconstruction and long-term development. DDR has long been recognised as essential for post-conflict stability, but in the 2000s, there has been emphasis on enhancing the linkages between short-term, time-bound DDR process and long-term reconstruction and development programmes and processes in post-conflict states. The importance of situating reintegration into the wider context of long-term development has been stressed by the UN, whose best practice guidelines emphasise that reintegration should: 'support a broader national strategic plan for reconciliation, reconstruction and development.' This does not suggest a restructuring of DDR activities, which aim to establish an environment conducive to long-term economic development rather than fostering long-term development, but a bridging of short- and long-term agendas.en© 2008 University of Bradford. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Reinsertion; Reintegration; Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR); Former combatants; Post-conflict peacebuilding; Reinsertion assistanceReintegration and Long-Term Development: Linkages and Challenges. Thematic Working Paper 5.Working Paper