Elfving, Sanna2016-10-192016-10-192016Elfving S (2016) Prospective Governance and Legal Framework between the EU and MENA in Renewable Energy Cooperation. Renewable Energy Law and Policy (RELP). 7(2): 157-171.http://hdl.handle.net/10454/9983YesThis article provides an overview of the current stage of development as well as the outlook for future cooperation in the field of renewable energy between the European Union and the countries of Middle East and North Africa (MENA). To continue with the progress achieved in the context of the Mediterranean Solar Plan the MENA region should adopt a regionally coordinated approach due to the absence of an established institutional and regulatory framework for trans-regional cooperation. While several studies have highlighted the competitiveness of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in MENA, governments and policy makers in the region should carefully assess their ability to ensure a sustainable policy framework for the renewables sector and opportunities for trans-regional exchanges of electricity. This article proposes that in order to address governance issues and facilitate the creation of a regional energy market, MENA countries may need to adopt an intergovernmental instrument such as the Energy Charter Treaty or the International Energy Charter.en© 2016 Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Reproduced with permission from the publisher.Renewable energy cooperationMiddle East and North Africa (MENA)European Union (EU)DevelopmentGovernanceLegal frameworkProspective Governance and Legal Framework between the EU and MENA in Renewable Energy CooperationArticlehttps://doi.org/10.4337/relp.2016.02.06