Pearson, Graham S.Whitby, Simon M.2008-12-082008-12-082000BTWC Video Briefings, Distance Learning Module 1, No. 2. 2000. [Video]. Summary of the main points of BTWC Evaluation Paper 22: "The US Rejection of the Composite Protocol: A Huge Mistake Based on Illogical Assessment". Presented by Pearson, G.S. and filmed by Whitby, S. Bradford, Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford.90007670 Graham S. Pearson discusses the scope of the international legal prohibition against biological warfare and provides an overview of the status of negotiations, currently in the end-game phase, to agree a legally-binding verification Protocol to the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.en© 2000 Whitby, S.M. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License ( and Toxin Weapons ConventionProtocolBiological WarfareNegotiationsThe Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Protocol NegotiationsVideo