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dc.contributor.authorRabaia, Y.*
dc.contributor.authorSaleh, Mahasin F.*
dc.contributor.authorGiacaman, R.*
dc.identifier.citationRabaia Y, Saleh MF and Giacaman R (2014) Sick or Sad? Supporting Palestinian Children Living in Conditions of Chronic Political Violence. Children & Society. 28(3): 172-181.
dc.description.abstractIn this article we reflect on the relatively recent emphasis on Palestinian children's mental health and well-being in the context of exposure to chronic warlike conditions, as we position this trend within the larger framework of the generations-long history of political turmoil and suffering. We describe how a process that started with no attention to psychosocial health of children in relation to exposure to dispossession, expulsion, occupation, repression and military attacks, proceeded with a focus on presumed mental disorders, and the more recent approach of designing context appropriate and community-based psychosocial interventions.
dc.subjectSocial suffering; Mental health; Trauma; Occupied Palestinian territory; Children; Post-traumatic stress reactions; War; Experiences
dc.titleSick or Sad? Supporting Palestinian Children Living in Conditions of Chronic Political Violence
dc.type.versionNo full-text available in the repository

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