Comparison of Conventional and Middle Vessel Batch Reactive Distillation Column: Application to Hydrolysis of Methyl Lactate to Lactic Acid
Comparison of optimal operation between conventional batch reactive distillation column (CBRD) and middle-vessel batch reactive column (MVBRD) for the production of lactic acid via hydrolysis of methyl lactate has not been considered in the past. Therefore, it is the main focus in this work. A dynamic optimization problem incorporating a process model is formulated to minimize the batch time subject to constraints on the amount and purity of lactic acid. Control variables (reflux ratio or/and a reboil ratio) are treated as a piecewise constant. Optimization results indicate that MVBRD is more effective than CBRD in terms of saving in batch time which can be as high as of 20 %.Version
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Edreder EA, Mujtaba IM and Emtir M (2013) Comparison of conventional and middle vessel batch reactive distillation column: application of hydrolysis of methyl lactate to lactic acid. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 35: 925-930.Link to Version of Record