Modeling and performance analysis of scalable web servers not deployed on the Cloud
Over the last few years, cloud computing has become quite popular. It offers Web-based companies the advantage of scalability. However, this scalability adds complexity which makes analysis and predictable performance difficult. There is a growing body of research on load balancing in cloud data centres which studies the problem from the perspective of the cloud provider. Nevertheless, the load balancing of scalable web servers deployed on the cloud has been subjected to less research. This paper introduces a simple queueing model to analyse the performance metrics of web server under varying traffic loads. This assists web server managers to manage their clusters and understand the trade-off between QoS and cost. In this proposed model two thresholds are used to control the scaling process. A discrete-event simulation (DES) is presented and validated via an analytical solution.Version
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Aljohani AMD, Holton DRW and Awan IU (2013) Modeling and performance analysis of scalable web servers not deployed on the Cloud. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications. 28-30 Octr 2013. Compiegne, France: IEEE: 238-242.Link to Version of Record
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