3D modeling of magnetic field lines using SOHO/MDI magnetogram images
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Solar images, along with other observational data, are very important for solar physicists and space weather researchers aiming to understand the way the Sun works and affects Earth. In this study a 3D modelling technique for visualizing solar magnetic field lines using solar images is presented. Photospheric magnetic field footpoints are detected from magnetogram images and using negative and positive magnetic footpoints, dipole pairs are associated according to their proximity. Then, 3D field line models are built using the calculated dipole coordinates, and mapped to detected pairs after coordinate transformations. Final 3D models are compared to extreme ultraviolet images and existing models and the results of visual comparisons are presented.Version
Accepted ManuscriptCitation
Colak T, Qahwaji RSR, Ipson SS and Ugail H (2009) 3D modeling of magnetic field lines using SOHO/MDI magnetogram images. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies. RAST ’09. 11-13 Jun 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. 685-689.Link to Version of Record
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