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dc.contributor.authorSoon, Chin Fhong*
dc.contributor.authorKhaghani, Seyed A.*
dc.contributor.authorYouseffi, Mansour*
dc.contributor.authorNafarizal, N.*
dc.contributor.authorSaim, H.*
dc.contributor.authorBritland, Stephen T.*
dc.contributor.authorBlagden, Nicholas*
dc.contributor.authorDenyer, Morgan C.T.*
dc.identifier.citationSoon CF, Khaghani SA, Youseffi M, Nayan N, Saim H, Britland S, Blagden N and Denyer MC (2013) Interfacial study of cell adhesion to liquid crystals using widefield surface plasmon resonance microscopy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 110: 156-62.
dc.description.abstractWidefield surface plasmon resonance (WSPR) microscopy provides high resolution imaging of interfacial interactions. We report the application of the WSPR imaging system in the study of the interaction between keratinocytes and liquid crystals (LC). Imaging of fixed keratinocytes cultured on gold coated surface plasmon substrates functionalized with a thin film of liquid crystals was performed in air using a 1.45 NA objective based system. Focal adhesion of the cells adhered to glass and LC were further studied using immunofluorescence staining of the vinculin. The imaging system was also simulated with 2 × 2 scattering matrix to investigate the optical reflection of the resonant plasmonic wave via the glass/gold/cell and glass/gold/LC/cell layers. WSPR imaging indicated that keratinocytes are less spread and formed distinct topography of cell–liquid crystal couplings when cultured on liquid crystal coated substrates. The simulation indicates that glass/LC shifted the surface plasmon excitation angle to 75.39° as compared to glass/air interface at 44°. The WSPR microcopy reveals that the cells remodelled their topography of adhesion at different interfaces.
dc.subjectWidefield surface plasmon resonance (WSPR) microscopy
dc.subjectInterfacial interactions
dc.subjectCell adhesion
dc.subjectLiquid crystals
dc.titleInterfacial study of cell adhesion to liquid crystals using widefield surface plasmon resonance microscopy.
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repository

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