Human-Centered Computing, Online Communities and Virtual Environments
This report summarizes results of the first EC/NSF joint Advanced Research Workshop, which identified key research challenges and opportunities in information technology. The group agreed that the first joint research workshop should concentrate on the themes of human-centered computing and VEs. Human-centered computing is perceived as an area of strategic importance because of the move towards greater decentralization and decomposition in the location and provision of computation. The area of VEs is one where increased collaboration should speed progress in solving some of the more intractable problems in building effective applicationsVersion
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Brown J.R., van Dam, A., Earnshaw, R.A., Encarnacao, J.L. and Guedj, R.A. (1999). Human-Centered Computing, Online Communities and Virtual Environments. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Vol. 19, No. 6. Pp. 70-74.Link to Version of Record