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dc.contributor.authorSheppy, B.*
dc.contributor.authorZuliani, J.D.*
dc.contributor.authorMcIntosh, Bryan*
dc.identifier.citationSheppy B, Zuliani JDand McIntosh B (2012) Science or art: risk and project management in healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management. 18(11): 586-590.
dc.description.abstractDespite its rapid growth in recent literature, risks in project management have received limited critical attention when compared to Lean principles and total quality management. The aim of this article is to examine the ongoing dialogue within health services funders and providers concerning the relationship between project management and its relationship to hard and soft environmental risk factors. The failure of high profile projects and cost to the taxpayer is on the increase. This article argues that the lack of understanding in relation to a holistic assessment of project success factors contributes to increased risk of failure. It argues that greater emphasis is needed on placing risk relative to both operational and cultural factors, as opposed to the frequent use of prescriptive mechanistic methodologies. These changes have the potential not merely to improve the success rates of healthcare management projects, but health outcomes too.
dc.subjectProject management
dc.subjectOperational factors
dc.subjectHard and soft environmental risk factors
dc.subjectHealthcare management projects
dc.titleScience or art: risk and project management in healthcare
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repository

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