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dc.contributor.authorPoku, Nana K.*
dc.contributor.authorWhitman, Jim R.*
dc.identifier.citationPoku, N., Whitman, J. (2012) Developing country health systems and the governance of international HIV/AIDS funding. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 27 (2), e146-161.
dc.description.abstractDonor country initiatives for the prevention and mitigation of HIV/AIDS are not a matter of simple burden sharing. Instead, they have brought in their wake many of the complexities and unforeseen effects that have long been associated with more general overseas development assistance. In the case of funding directed toward HIV/AIDS, these effects are by no means either secondary or easily calculable. It is widely acknowledged that there is no consensus framework on how these impacts may be defined, no framework/toolkit for the evaluation of impacts and no longitudinally significant data that could provide the substance for those evaluations. The subject of this study focuses not on the health outcomes of funding but on how donor-recipient relations could be better deliberated, negotiated and coordinated. We argue that effective leadership and governance of developing country health systems for HIV/AIDS work requires a reconfiguration of how donor-recipient relations are conceived and contracted, and for this purpose, we propose an adaptation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris Declaration principles of aid effectiveness.
dc.subjectDelivery of Health Care; Economics; Organization & administration
dc.subjectDeveloping countries
dc.subjectFinancial support
dc.subjectHIV Infections; Prevention & control
dc.subjectInternational cooperation
dc.subjectProgram evaluation; Standards
dc.subjectREF 2014
dc.titleDeveloping country health systems and the governance of international HIV/AIDS funding

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