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dc.contributor.authorCobirzan, N.*
dc.contributor.authorOltean-Dumbrava, Crina*
dc.contributor.authorBrumaru, M.*
dc.identifier.citationCobirzan N, Oltean-Dumbrava C and Brumaru M (2012) Thermal rehabilitation of Romanian housing: a low cost assessment tool. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. 5(3): 235-243.
dc.description.abstractThe numerous buildings that currently require thermal rehabilitation in Romania means that substantial resources and a large number of competent people are required to carry out surveys and energy audits. However, commercial energy balance software is mostly unaffordable for those organisations involved in this process. This paper describes an energy balance programme – ENEFControl – developed to be a rapid, low cost, local tool able to assist in the choice of energy efficient solutions for buildings. To test the software, thermal and energy analyses were carried out on a 1970s built apartment block in Transylvania. Based on these analyses, three constructive scenarios were proposed for thermal rehabilitation. Compared to the performance of the analysed building, the thermal and energy performance of the retrofitted building in all three scenarios significantly improved. Since European Union accession in 2007, rapidly rising energy costs have affected the Romanian population. ENEFControl offers Romanian engineers and architects an opportunity to speed up the rehabilitation programme of buildings without the need for more expensive expertise and tools.en
dc.subjectREF 2014
dc.subjectSustainable infrastructure
dc.subjectSustainable construction
dc.subjectDesign decision support tools
dc.subjectEnergy efficient buildings
dc.subjectCO2 emissions
dc.subjectThermal rehabilitation
dc.titleThermal rehabilitation of Romanian housing: a low cost assessment tool

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