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dc.contributor.authorFu, F.*
dc.contributor.authorLam, Dennis*
dc.contributor.authorYe, J.*
dc.identifier.citationFu, F. Lam, D. and Ye, J. (2007). Parametric study of semi-rigid composite connections with 3-D finite element approach. Engineering Structures. Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 888-898.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the 3-dimensional finite element modelling of composite connection with steel beams and precast hollow core slab. A finite element model to simulate the structural behaviour of the composite beam was described and was used to study the behaviour of a wide range of composite connections to gain a better understanding of the structural behaviour especially the moment¿rotation characteristic of the connections. Parametric studies were carried out to investigate the structural behaviour with variations in: size of the beam, thickness of the endplate, thickness of column web, depth of precast hollow cored slab and stud spacing. Through the parametric study, the structural behaviour of the composite connection has been discussed in detail, and recommendations for the design purpose has been made.en_US
dc.subjectPrecast hollow core slaben_US
dc.subjectFinite elementen_US
dc.subjectComposite connectionen_US
dc.subjectParametric studiesen_US
dc.titleParametric study of semi-rigid composite connections with 3-D finite element approach.en_US
dc.type.versionpublished version paperen_US

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