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dc.contributor.authorLam, Dennis*
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, C.A.*
dc.identifier.citationLam D and Williams CA (2004) Experimental study on concrete filled square hollow sections. Steel and Composite Structures. 4(2): 95-112.en_US
dc.description.abstractA series of tests was performed to consider the behaviour of short composite columns under axial compressive loading, covering a range of S275 and S355 grade steel square hollow section filled with normal and high strength concrete. The interaction between the steel and the concrete component is considered and the results show that concrete shrinkage has an effect on the axial strength of the column. Comparisons between Eurocode 4, ACI-318 and the Australian Standards with the findings of this research were made. Result showed the equation used by the ACI-318 and the proposed Australian Standards gave better predication for the axial capacity of concrete filled SHS columns than the Eurocode 4.en_US
dc.subjectComposite columnen_US
dc.subjectConcrete filleden_US
dc.subjectSquare hollow sectionsen_US
dc.subjectAxial strengthen_US
dc.titleExperimental study on concrete filled square hollow sectionsen_US
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repositoryen_US

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