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dc.contributor.advisorEarnshaw, Rae A.
dc.contributor.advisorRobison, David J.
dc.contributor.authorAl Sheik Salem, Omar F.A.*
dc.description.abstractThe shift of media from traditional forms to new digital ones has raised the possibility of new kinds of media services, including mobile television. In today¿s communications market, mobile phones are of increasing importance to users and, since mobile devices are connected most of the time, they have a high degree of location independence. The availability of 3G technology and the mobile devices needed to implement mobile television are now established and available. Mobile television is expected to be an important new service that could penetrate the market place and provide new applications, as well as create a market for new players and new investments, if the appropriate price, content and philosophy for content design are found. This research explores the many potential application areas for mobile TV, with a particular focus on advertising. Various organisations that seek success in this market can utilise the potential for advertising on mobile TV. Ultimately, mobile device users are able to use mobile TV for entertainment and information sourcing. However, a number of challenging issues remain to be addressed. The features that appealed to the consumers were studied in this research. Surveys were conducted to obtain an understanding of consumers¿ opinions and needs regarding the mobile TV experience. Many users clearly do like to interact with video content on mobile devices. Interactive mobile TV advertising can benefit users who will be able to use an essentially ¿free¿ mobile TV service, funded by an advertising model. This research proposes an environment for interactive advertising on mobile TV and discussion of an implementation of the proposed designs.en_US
dc.rights<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />The University of Bradford theses are licenced under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Licence</a>.en_US
dc.subjectMobile televisionen_US
dc.subjectUser-generated contenten_US
dc.subjectProduct placementen_US
dc.subjectPersonalised advertisingen_US
dc.subjectNon-commercial advertisingen_US
dc.subjectHuman-mobile interactionen_US
dc.subjectMobile devicesen_US
dc.titleCritical Analysis and Evaluation of Interactive and Customised Applications on Mobile Television. Interactive and Customised Mobile Television Applications are Evaluated Using the Views of Consumers, Advertisers, and Telecommunications Operators with Regard to Services and Also Assessing the Usability of Mobile Devices.en_US
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Bradfordeng
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Computing, Informatics and Mediaen_US

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