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dc.contributor.advisorKouvatsos, Demetres D.
dc.contributor.authorTomaras, Panagiotis J.*
dc.description.abstractDecomposition methods based on the hierarchical partitioning of the state space of queueing network models offer powerful evaluation tools for the performance analysis of computer systems and communication networks. These methods being conventionally implemented capture the exact solution of separable queueing network models but their credibility differs when applied to general queueing networks. This thesis provides a universal information theoretic framework for the implementation of hierarchical decomposition schemes, based on the principle of minimum relative entropy given fully decomposable subset and aggregate utilization, mean queue length and flow-balance constraints. This principle is used, in conjuction with asymptotic connections to infinite capacity queues, to derive new closed form approximations for the conditional and marginal state probabilities of general queueing network models. The minimum relative entropy solutions are implemented iteratively at each decomposition level involving the generalized exponential (GE) distributional model in approximating the general service and asymptotic flow processes in the network. It is shown that the minimum relative entropy joint state probability, subject to mean queue length and flow-balance constraints, is identical to the exact product-form solution obtained as if the network was separable. An investigation into the effect of different couplings of the resource units on the relative accuracy of the approximation is carried out, based on an extensive experimentation. The credibility of the method is demonstrated with some illustrative examples involving first-come-first-served general queueing networks with single and multiple servers and favourable comparisons against exact solutions and other approximations are made.en
dc.rights<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />The University of Bradford theses are licenced under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Licence</a>.en
dc.subjectDecomposition methodsen
dc.subjectQueueing network modelsen
dc.subjectComputer networksen
dc.subjectCommunication systemsen
dc.subjectPerformance analysisen
dc.titleDecomposition of general queueing network models. An investigation into the implementation of hierarchical decomposition schemes of general closed queueing network models using the principle of minimum relative entropy subject to fully decomposable constraints.en
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Bradfordeng
dc.publisher.departmentPostgraduate School of Studies in Computingen

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