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dc.contributor.authorZharkova, Valentina V.*
dc.contributor.authorAboudarham, J.*
dc.contributor.authorZharkov, Sergei I.*
dc.contributor.authorIpson, Stanley S.*
dc.contributor.authorBenkhalil, Ali K.*
dc.contributor.authorFuller, N.*
dc.identifier.citationZharkova, V.V., Aboudarham, J., Zharkov, S., Ipson, S.S., Benkhalil, A.K. and Fuller N. (2005). Solar Feature Catalogues in EGSO. Solar Physics. Vol. 228, No. 1-2, pp. 361-375.
dc.description.abstractThe Solar Feature Catalogues (SFCs) are created from digitized solar images using automated pattern recognition techniques developed in the European Grid of Solar Observation (EGSO) project. The techniques were applied for detection of sunspots, active regions and filaments in the automatically standardized full-disk solar images in Caii K1, Caii K3 and H¿ taken at the Meudon Observatory and white-light images and magnetograms from SOHO/MDI. The results of automated recognition are verified with the manual synoptic maps and available statistical data from other observatories that revealed high detection accuracy. A structured database of the Solar Feature Catalogues is built on the MySQL server for every feature from their recognized parameters and cross-referenced to the original observations. The SFCs are published on the Bradford University web site with the pre-designed web pages for a search by time, size and location. The SFCs with 9 year coverage (1996¿2004) provide any possible information that can be extracted from full disk digital solar images. Thus information can be used for deeper investigation of the feature origin and association with other features for their automated classification and solar activity forecast.
dc.subjectEuropean Grid of Solar Observation (EGSO) project
dc.subjectSolar Feature Catalogues (SFCs)
dc.subjectDigitized solar images
dc.subjectPattern recognition techniques
dc.subjectSunspots - detection
dc.subjectSun active regions - detection
dc.subjectSolar activity forecast
dc.titleSolar Feature Catalogues in EGSO
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repository

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