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dc.contributor.authorDavey, R.J.*
dc.contributor.authorBlagden, Nicholas*
dc.contributor.authorRighini, S.*
dc.contributor.authorAlison, H.*
dc.contributor.authorQuayle, M.J.*
dc.contributor.authorFuller, S.*
dc.identifier.citationDavey, R.J., Blagden, N., Righini, S. and Alison, H. et al. (2001). Crystal Polymorphism as a Probe for Molecular Self-Assembly during Nucleation from solutions: The Case of 2,6 - Dihydroxybenzoic Acid. Crystal Growth and Design. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 59-65.
dc.description.abstractThe relationship between molecular self-assembly processes and nucleation during crystallization from solution is an important issue, both in terms of fundamental physical chemistry and for the control and application of crystallization processes in crystal engineering and materials chemistry. This contribution examines the extent to which the occurrence of crystal polymorphism can be used as an indicator of the nature of molecular aggregation processes in supersaturated solutions. For the specific case of 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid a combination of solubility, spectroscopic, crystallization, and molecular modeling techniques are used to demonstrate that there is a direct link between the solvent-induced self-assembly of this molecule and the relative occurrence of its two polymorphic forms from toluene and chloroform solutions.
dc.subjectCrystal Polymorphism
dc.subjectMolecular self-assembly
dc.subjectDihydroxybenzoic Acid
dc.titleCrystal Polymorphism as a Probe for Molecular Self-Assembly during Nucleation from solutions: The Case of 2,6 - Dihydroxybenzoic Acid.
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repository

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