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dc.contributor.authorRobert, Pierre*
dc.contributor.authorMack, Andrew*
dc.identifier.citationRobert, P. and Mack, A. [in association with] Bradford University, Channel Research Ltd, PARC & Associated Consultants (2004). Evaluation of the Conflict Prevention Pools: Strengthening the United Nations. London: DFID. Evaluation report (EV 647) Thematic Case Study 2.en
dc.description.abstractP5. The evaluation was undertaken by Bradford University, Channel Research Ltd, the PARC & Associated Consultants. The United Nations (UN) Case study was carried out by Mr Pierre Robert with Professor Andrew Mack. The study was carried out through documentary review and interviews with members of the UN GCPP Steering Committee, other London-based officials, UK officials and other stakeholders in other case study countries, staff from the UK¿s UN Mission in New York (UKMIS) and with senior staff at the UN and at other relevant institutions involved in managing projects funded under the Strategy.1 The main evaluator also drew on experience from having evaluated a specific GCPP UN Strategy project, the Early Warning and Preventative Measures (EWPM) training, implemented by the UN System Staff College, early in 2003. P7. The UN Case Study is one of six studies undertaken within the framework of the evaluation of the Conflict Prevention Pools. In accordance with the Terms of Reference (ToRs) and the Inception Report, the Evaluation placed maximum emphasis on the macro level: the policy processes in Whitehall by which decisions on allocations are made and implemented by the CPPs. Considerable attention has also been placed on the meso level: the degree to which CPP policies and activities in a given conflict form part of a coherent package of direct interventions by the international community and local actors to the problems of particular large scale deadly conflicts or potential conflicts. The microlevel of analysis (review of specific projects) confines itself largely to the way in which projects impact on the meso and macro levels. The Evaluation has not analysed systematically whether specific projects funded by the CPPs have been well managed and whether they have achieved their specific project goals. Single projects have been analysed to the extent that they reflect on the macro and meso levels. P8. The main findings of the evaluation, reflected in this Synthesis Report, are that the CPPs are doing significant work funding worthwhile activities that make positive contributions to effective conflict prevention, although it is far too early in the day to assess impact. The progress achieved through the CPP mechanisms is significant enough to justify their continuation.en
dc.publisherDepartment for International Development.en
dc.rights© Crown copyright 2004. Reproduced in accordance with the publisher's self-archiving policy.en
dc.subjectConflict Prevention Poolsen
dc.subjectUnited Nationsen
dc.titleEvaluation of the Conflict Prevention Pools: Strengthening the United Nations.en
dc.type.versionpublished version paperen

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