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dc.contributor.authorDao, Cuong
dc.contributor.authorZuo, M.J.
dc.identifier.citationDao CD and Zuo MJ (2015) Selective maintenance for multi-state systems considering the benefits of repairing multiple components simultaneously. In: Tse P, Mathew J, Wong K et al (Eds) Engineering Asset Management - Systems, Professional Practices and Certification. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Cham: Springer: 413-425.en_US
dc.description.abstractMany industrial systems such as aircrafts, ships, manufacturing systems, etc. are required to perform several missions with finite breaks between missions. Maintenance is only available within the breaks. Due to the limitation of resources, all components in the system may not be maintained as desired. The selective maintenance problem helps the decision makers figure out what critical components to select and how to perform maintenance on these components. This paper studies the selective maintenance for multi-state series-parallel systems with the benefit of repairing multiple components simultaneously. Both time and cost savings can be acquired when several components are simultaneously repaired in a selective maintenance strategy. As the number of repaired components increases, the saved time and cost will also increase due to the share of setting up between components and another additional reduction amount from the repair of multiple identical components. A non-linear optimization model is developed to find the most reliable system subjected to time and cost constraints. Genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimization model. An illustrative example will be provided.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Vietnam International Education Development (VIED)en_US
dc.subjectMultiple componenten_US
dc.subjectRepair timeen_US
dc.subjectMaintenance strategyen_US
dc.subjectMaintenance timeen_US
dc.subjectMaintenance manageren_US
dc.titleSelective maintenance for multi-state systems considering the benefits of repairing multiple components simultaneouslyen_US
dc.typeConference paperen_US
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repositoryen_US

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