Monte Carlo analysis of methods for extracting risk-neutral densities with affine jump diffusions

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Lu, ShanRights
© 2019 Wiley This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Lu, S (2019) Monte Carlo analysis of methods for extracting risk-neutral densities with affine jump diffusions. Journal of Futures Markets. 39(12): 1587-1612, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Peer-Reviewed
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Show full item recordAbstract
This paper compares several widely-used and recently-developed methods to extract risk-neutral densities (RND) from option prices in terms of estimation accuracy. It shows that positive convolution approximation method consistently yields the most accurate RND estimates, and is insensitive to the discreteness of option prices. RND methods are less likely to produce accurate RND estimates when the underlying process incorporates jumps and when estimations are performed on sparse data, especially for short time-to-maturities, though sensitivity to the discreteness of the data differs across different methods.Version
Accepted manuscriptCitation
Lu, S (2019) Monte Carlo analysis of methods for extracting risk-neutral densities with affine jump diffusions. Journal of Futures Markets. 39(12): 1587-1612.Link to Version of Record