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dc.contributor.advisorClark, Brian J.
dc.contributor.authorAlali, Khaled Y.A.A*
dc.description.abstractThis Thesis examines the benefits and usefulness of a National Drug Policy (NDP) for the developing of the Health Care System in Kuwait. The NDP is one of the most important structures of the Health System which can lead to improved health services by establishing guidelines, proposals and directives to organize, structure and regulate health legislation; it is of help to ensure the availability of quality, safety and efficacy in using medicines and it can reduce the irrational use of medicines. The NDP is a frame work between the government, schools and universities, media, health professionals, pharmaceutical industries and companies and public. It is cooperation between the public and private sectors to achieve the goal of access to good quality medicines for all. However there are many key factors which need to be examined before the National Drug Policy is introduced and these are considered the baseline for establishing a good policy, and includes; selection of essential drugs, affordability of drugs, drug financing, supply management, drug regulation, rational use of drugs, drugs registration, purchasing of drugs, health research and human resource development. During this research study from 2012 – 2015 several visits to the public and private health areas, were undertaken. At this time there were discussions with 121 health professionals and data was collected and this indicated that in Kuwait there are no such policies. This is despite the availability of financial means, specialized human resources and the existence of the ministerial decisions and regulations governing the health sector in both public and private, whether hospitals, health centers, pharmacies and health departments. In addition it is suggested that the process of a good NDP should be built around 3 main components which includes: 1.Development, 2. Implementation and 3. Monitoring and Evaluation. Therefore the establishing of a NDP without implementation and monitoring is not enough and does not achieve the desired results. The aim of this Thesis is to establish a NDP in the State of Kuwait. This policy is necessary for the State of Kuwait to ensure development an improvement of the Health Care System and ensure better health for population.en_US
dc.rights<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />The University of Bradford theses are licenced under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Licence</a>.eng
dc.subjectNational Drug Policy (NDP)en_US
dc.subjectEssential drug listen_US
dc.subjectQuality assuranceen_US
dc.subjectRational use of drugsen_US
dc.subjectCounterfeit drugsen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of National Drug Policy in the State of Kuwaiten_US
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Bradfordeng
dc.publisher.departmentFaculty of Life Sciencesen_US

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PhD Thesis

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