Now showing items 61-80 of 90

    • GENOVATE conference digital stories - 1

      Congdon, Shirley (2016-11)
      Interview with Shirley Congdon at the GENOVATE conference.
    • Naming the parts: a case-study of a gender equality initiative with academic women

      Ó Gráda, A.; Ní Laoire, C.; Linehan, C.; Boylan, G.; Connolly, L. (2015)
      This paper aims to seek to contribute to current debates about the effectiveness of different types of gender equality interventions in the academic context. This paper presents an argument for the need to move beyond an individual-structural dichotomy in how such interventions are perceived. The paper draws on an action-research case-study, the Through the Glass Ceiling project, to challenge the idea that “individual”/single-actor interventions serve only to reinforce underlying inequalities by attempting to “fix the women”.It is suggested that actions that support women in their careers have the potential to achieve a degree of transformation at individual, cultural and structural levels when such actions are designed with an understanding of how individuals embody the gendered and gendering social structures and values that are constantly being produced and reproduced within society and academia. The case study highlights the benefits of supporting individuals as gendered actors in gendering institutions and of facilitating the development of critical gender awareness, suggesting that such interventions are most effective when undertaken as part of an integrated institutional equality agenda. By calling attention to the ongoing mutual construction of actors and practices in organizations, this paper seeks to make both a conceptual contribution to how we understand the (re)production and potential transformation of gender relations in academia and to influence wider policy dialogues on diversity at work.
    • Primo Bilancio di Genere dell'Ateneo Fridericiano

      Liccardo, A.; Agodi, M.C.; Gargano, A.; Masullo, M.R.; Picardi, I.; Pisanti, O. (2016)
      The first annual report on Gender at the Federico II University.
    • Closing remarks

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Congdon, Shirley (2016-11)
      Closing remarks with Professor Shirley Congdon at the GENOVATE conference.
    • Response to GENOVATE output

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Ford, Jackie M. (2016-11)
      Response to GENOVATE output with Professor Jackie Ford at the GENOVATE conference.
    • Evaluation of GEAPs

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Bustelo, M.; Espinosa Fajardo, J. (2016-11)
      Evaluation of GEAPs with Dr Maria Bustelo and Dr Julia Espinosa Fajardo at the GENOVATE conference.
    • Rethinking intersectionality, gender identities and gender equality

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Gupta, K. (2016-11)
      Rethinking intersectionality, gender identities and gender equality with Kat Gupta at the GENOVATE conference.
    • Model of gender equality in transforming research and innovation

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Archibong, Uduak E.; Brazinova, A. (2016-11)
      The GENOVATE model of gender equality in transforming research and innovation.
    • The EIGE

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Baumeister, N. (2016-11)
      The EIGE with Nina Baumeister at the GENOVATE conference.
    • Round table discussion

      GENOVATE partner institutions (2016-11)
      Round table discussion from the GENOVATE conference.
    • Feedback from parallel sessions

      GENOVATE partner institutions (2016-11)
      Feedback from parallel sessions during the GENOVATE conference.
    • Keynote address

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Kovacevic, M. (2016-11)
      Keynote address at the GENOVATE conference by Professor Melita Kovacevic.
    • Welcome to GENOVATE

      GENOVATE partner institutions; Archibong, Uduak E. (2016-11)
      This is a video to welcome delegates to the GENOVATE conference by the GENOVATE International Director Professor Udy Archibong.
    • Guided reflection as an organisational learning and data collection tool in a gender equality change management programme

      Archibong, Uduak E.; O'Mullane, M.; Kallayova, D.; Karodia, Nazira; Ni Laoire, C.; Picardi, I. (2016-03)
      This paper presents a guided reflection (GR) framework compiled and used specifically in a gender equality change management programme. The programme involves seven partners (one being an evaluation partner) from across Europe, each partner implementing a change management programme in their university setting. A guided reflection framework, including verbal reflective discussions and written reflections, was devised and deployed to enable and facilitate the collection of narratives and stories on the experience of gender transformation within the university institutions. The resulting outcome so far has been a successful application of the GR framework, with emerging findings suggesting that participants found the opportunity to share and reflect useful. Both written and verbal reflection tools were effective within this programme, with lessons emerging around increasing and improving the journaling aspect of written reflections. The process findings illustrate how people in our organisations are very constrained for time for reflection within their busy work schedules, and therefore the applicability and usefulness of the GR framework has been in enabling a space for such reflection and thought, which in turn contributes to organizational learning and potential for change.
    • The GENOVATE Model for Gender Equality in Transforming Research and Innovation

      GENOVATE partner institutions (2016-10)
      Gender inequality in Research and Innovation exists to date even though the issue has been well acknowledged over time and has an enormous negative impact on science. There is also wide recognition that the issue, whether based on individual, organisational or institutional factors, can only be effectively addressed through an approach emanating from a strong drive to transform Research and Innovation, in a way to ensure seamless integration of gender equality and diversity.
    • Report from Eportfolio: Successes and challenges in the implementation of Gender Equality Action Plans

      GENOVATE partner institutions (2016)
      This Report from Eportfolio (D7.2) looks at GEAP implementation trends in general, while D6.2 focuses instead on the specifics of each partner's GEAP implementation experiences. The Report from Eportfolio presents the main advances and challenges regarding the 3 main areas of the GEAPs: gender equality in recruitment, progression and research support successes; working environment and culture change; and excellence in research and innovation through gender equality and diversity. It seeks to share lessons learned about GEAPs implementation.
    • Developing Learning Circles: ‘Sharing and Learning’ from the GENOVATE Project

      GENOVATE partner institutions (2016)
      Research institutions, universities and organisations at large have a growing interest for gender equality and diversity to be integrated into all stages of research and innovation including strategic planning, promotion, recruitment, performance reporting and transformation. Creating and finding open spaces where these processes can be approached from different perspectives, in which multiple stakeholders can express and share their interests and experiences, and where critical conversations, discussions and knowledge sharing can take place is fundamental for advancing collaborative projects and actions aimed at profound organisational change. Learning Circles, therefore, are useful resources that facilitate organisational safe spaces where multiple stakeholders from different backgrounds, sectors, disciplines, and nationalities reflect, in a relaxed and collaborative atmosphere, about gender equality and diversity as collective projects; and their impact and relevance for/in research and innovation fields. The advantages of Learning Circles are manifold: they represent intersectional, interdisciplinary and even transnational arenas and opportunities for experience sharing, and knowledge generation/transfer.
    • Gender Equality Guide for Policy Making in Higher Education Institutions

      GENOVATE partner institutions (2016)
      Higher Education [HE] policy makers play a major role in the application of international standards on gender equality. Depending on the particular characteristics of each Higher Education organisation, this responsibility is borne and/or shared by specific actors that may be located in Human Resources departments, and/or could be strategically placed throughout the organisational structure. It also rests on the actions and commitment of senior leaders and managers, who are visual and powerful champions for structural change. Either way, policy actors are particularly involved in monitoring and evaluation processes, and policy implementation, as well as legitimation of gender equality standards. Therefore, it is fundamental to work with a clear roadmap to integrate gender equality into organisational change, which would sustain context-specific, legally compliant and responsive policies that meet international and national standards of gender equality and non-discrimination. Accordingly, this resource offer a hands-on and transparent approach to gender mainstreaming in Higher Education institutions, constituting a support tool for policy makers and actors involved in policy development and implementation, which is key for regulating and legitimating organisational transformation along gender sensitive, gender competent, gender balanced and gender equal principles.