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dc.contributor.authorSigwele, Tshiamo*
dc.contributor.authorPillai, Prashant*
dc.contributor.authorHu, Yim Fun*
dc.identifier.citationSigwele T, Alam AS, Pillai P et al (2016) On energy minimization of heterogeneos cloud radio access networks. In: 8th EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems (WiSATS). 19-20 Sep 2016, Cardiff, Wales.en_US
dc.description.abstractNext-generation 5G networks is the future of information networks and it will experience a tremendous growth in traffic. To meet such traffic demands, there is a necessity to increase the network capacity, which requires the deployment of ultra dense heterogeneous base stations (BSs). Nevertheless, BSs are very expensive and consume a significant amount of energy. Meanwhile, cloud radio access networks (C-RAN) has been proposed as an energy-efficient architecture that leverages the cloud computing technology where baseband processing is performed in the cloud. In addition, the BS sleeping is considered as a promising solution to conserving the network energy. This paper integrates the cloud technology and the BS sleeping approach. It also proposes an energy-efficient scheme for reducing energy consumption by switching off remote radio heads (RRHs) and idle BBUs using a greedy and first fit decreasing (FFD) bin packing algorithms, respectively. The number of RRHs and BBUs are minimized by matching the right amount of baseband computing load with traffic load. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves an enhanced energy performance compared to the existing distributed long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) system.en_US
dc.subjectBase station sleep; Bin packing; Cloud computing; C-RAN; Energy effi ciency; HetNets; Virtualizationen_US
dc.titleOn energy minimization of heterogeneos cloud radio access networksen_US
dc.typeConference paperen_US
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repositoryen_US

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