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dc.contributor.authorZhu, F.*
dc.contributor.authorGhazaany, Tahereh S.*
dc.contributor.authorAbd-Alhameed, Raed*
dc.contributor.authorJones, Steven M.R.*
dc.contributor.authorNoras, James M.*
dc.contributor.authorSuggett, T.*
dc.contributor.authorMarker, S.*
dc.identifier.citationZhu F, Ghazaany TS, Abd-Alhameed R et al (2014) Miniaturized tunable conical helix antenna. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium. 19-23 Jan 2014, Newport Beach, CA, USA: 100-102.
dc.description.abstractA miniaturized conical helix antenna is presented, which displays vertical polarization with electrically small dimensions of 10mm×10mm×45mm. The resonance of the antenna is made tunable by adding a variable digital MEMS capacitor load at the bottom of the helix, giving a tuning range of 316 MHz to 400 MHz. The antenna demonstrates considerable impedance matching bandwidth and gain over the entire tuning frequency band. Most importantly, the antenna is capable of compact, flexible and easy integration into a wireless device package or for platform installation.
dc.description.sponsorshipDatong of Seven Technology Group, for their support under the KTP project grant No. 008734.en
dc.subjectHelical antennas
dc.subjectAntenna radiation patterns
dc.subjectLoaded antennas
dc.subjectMicromechanical devices
dc.subjectVertical polarisation
dc.subjectElectrically small antenna
dc.subjectOmni-directional antenna
dc.subjectTunable antenna
dc.titleMiniaturized tunable conical helix antenna
dc.typeConference paper
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repository

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