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dc.contributor.authorMa, Y.*
dc.contributor.authorAbd-Alhameed, Raed*
dc.contributor.authorZhou, Dawei*
dc.contributor.authorSee, Chan H.*
dc.contributor.authorAbidin, Z.Z.*
dc.contributor.authorJin, C.*
dc.contributor.authorPeng, B.*
dc.identifier.citationMa Y, Abd-Alhameed R, Zhou D et al (2014) Loop feed meander-line antenna RFID tag desing for UHF band. In: Proceedings of the XXXth URSI General Assemby and Scientific Symposium. 16-23 Aug 2014, Beijing, China.
dc.description.abstractA loop feed meander-line Antenna (LFMLA) RFID tag on a relatively low dielectric constant substrate operates on the European UHF band 865-868 MHz is presented. The tag modeling is analyzed using two different electromagnetic simulator HFSS and CST. A prototype tag antenna is constructed and measured for validation. The input impedance of the proposed antenna is verified against the simulated data results, the measured and simulated results are found to be in good agreement. The compact size tag antenna shows excellent impedance matching to the typical input impedance of a RFID integrated circuit chip and a significant improvement in reading range up to 5 meters.
dc.subjectRadiofrequency identification
dc.subjectAntenna measurements
dc.subjectAntenna feeds
dc.subjectIntegrated circuits
dc.titleLoop feed meander-line antenna RFID tag desing for UHF band
dc.typeConference paper
dc.type.versionNo full-text in the repository

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