GENOVATE Resources

The GENOVATE project has developed the section GENOVATE resources. These are tools in which to enhance gender competent leadership and management, which also include the interactive E-learning tool.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Report on Institutional Case Studies: experiences of GENOVATE Institutions
    (2016-01-19) GENOVATE partner institutions
  • Publication
    Promoting Sustainable Change: A Toolkit For Integrating Gender Equality and Diversity in Research and Innovation Systems
    (2016-04) Fältholm, Y.; Wennberg, P.; Wikberg Nilsson, Å.; GENOVATE partner institutions
    ”Promoting sustainable change” provides answers to those and similar questions and encourages people to learn more about gender equality and diversity in research and innovation systems. This is a toolkit for experienced and new innovators as well as for people who want to learn more about how understanding gender and diversity can lead to more innovation in their everyday lives.
  • Publication
    Report from Eportfolio: Successes and challenges in the implementation of Gender Equality Action Plans
    (2016) GENOVATE partner institutions
    This Report from Eportfolio (D7.2) looks at GEAP implementation trends in general, while D6.2 focuses instead on the specifics of each partner's GEAP implementation experiences. The Report from Eportfolio presents the main advances and challenges regarding the 3 main areas of the GEAPs: gender equality in recruitment, progression and research support successes; working environment and culture change; and excellence in research and innovation through gender equality and diversity. It seeks to share lessons learned about GEAPs implementation.
  • Publication
    Gender Equality Guide for Policy Making in Higher Education Institutions
    (2016) GENOVATE partner institutions
    Higher Education [HE] policy makers play a major role in the application of international standards on gender equality. Depending on the particular characteristics of each Higher Education organisation, this responsibility is borne and/or shared by specific actors that may be located in Human Resources departments, and/or could be strategically placed throughout the organisational structure. It also rests on the actions and commitment of senior leaders and managers, who are visual and powerful champions for structural change. Either way, policy actors are particularly involved in monitoring and evaluation processes, and policy implementation, as well as legitimation of gender equality standards. Therefore, it is fundamental to work with a clear roadmap to integrate gender equality into organisational change, which would sustain context-specific, legally compliant and responsive policies that meet international and national standards of gender equality and non-discrimination. Accordingly, this resource offer a hands-on and transparent approach to gender mainstreaming in Higher Education institutions, constituting a support tool for policy makers and actors involved in policy development and implementation, which is key for regulating and legitimating organisational transformation along gender sensitive, gender competent, gender balanced and gender equal principles.
  • Publication
    The GENOVATE Model for Gender Equality in Transforming Research and Innovation
    (2016-10) GENOVATE partner institutions
    Gender inequality in Research and Innovation exists to date even though the issue has been well acknowledged over time and has an enormous negative impact on science. There is also wide recognition that the issue, whether based on individual, organisational or institutional factors, can only be effectively addressed through an approach emanating from a strong drive to transform Research and Innovation, in a way to ensure seamless integration of gender equality and diversity.
  • Publication
    Gender Equality and Diversity Competent Research Excellence Standards: Guiding Principles
    (2016) GENOVATE partner institutions
    The promotion of gender equality in research and innovation is a vital part of the GENOVATE project. The full participation of women and men in all aspects of research endeavour is key to positive career progression in academia. It is essential to ensure equal opportunities for women and men in access to promotion, research funding and decision-making positions in higher education institutions. This report seeks to provide higher education institutions, research bodies and funding institutions guiding principles on gender equality and diversity competent research excellence standards, ensuring in particular that the achievements of women and men researchers are assessed on the same basis. The report will help encourage a more systematic way of thinking about assessment of research excellence standards.
  • Publication
    Developing Learning Circles: ‘Sharing and Learning’ from the GENOVATE Project
    (2016) GENOVATE partner institutions
    Research institutions, universities and organisations at large have a growing interest for gender equality and diversity to be integrated into all stages of research and innovation including strategic planning, promotion, recruitment, performance reporting and transformation. Creating and finding open spaces where these processes can be approached from different perspectives, in which multiple stakeholders can express and share their interests and experiences, and where critical conversations, discussions and knowledge sharing can take place is fundamental for advancing collaborative projects and actions aimed at profound organisational change. Learning Circles, therefore, are useful resources that facilitate organisational safe spaces where multiple stakeholders from different backgrounds, sectors, disciplines, and nationalities reflect, in a relaxed and collaborative atmosphere, about gender equality and diversity as collective projects; and their impact and relevance for/in research and innovation fields. The advantages of Learning Circles are manifold: they represent intersectional, interdisciplinary and even transnational arenas and opportunities for experience sharing, and knowledge generation/transfer.
  • Publication
    Implementing Measures for Gender Equality in Recruitment, Promotion and Progression in Academic and Research Careers: Contextualised Guidelines for Universities and Research Organisations
    (2016) GENOVATE partner institutions
    This document outlines a set of guidelines for universities and research organisations that are in the process of, or considering, implementing: measures for gender equality in selection processes relating to recruitment, promotion and progression of academics and researchers; measures aimed at strengthening the presence of women in leadership and senior positions, including gender targets; and measures to support women in accessing opportunities for career progression. The term ‘career transitions’ is used as shorthand in the document for all processes relating to recruitment, promotion, progression, career support and gender targets in academic and research careers.
  • Publication
    Continuities and Changes: Gender Culture and Working Climate Assessment Report
    (2016-08-31) GENOVATE partner institutions
    The Change Report (GENOVATE Deliverable Report D4.2) summarises the findings of the research undertaken by partner institutions close to the end of GENOVATE implementation. The report aims to highlight the changes and/or continuities identified in each institution during the implementation of GEAPs (Gender Equality Action Plan) designed and executed by institutional GENOVATE teams. For this, each partner institution utilized their findings obtained in their baseline research at the start year of GENOVATE (Working Document 4.1) and compared this with the situation in the final year of the project to identify the institutional changes and continuities over the period of project implementation and subsequently conducted similar and/or quite different types of data gathering and analyses in order to either provide an updated version of previous gender climate reports of specific universities or illustrate some perspectives on gender equality on behalf of a limited number of Faculty members and Administration staff in specific universities.” .
  • Publication
    Evaluating Gender Structural Change: Guidelines for Evaluating Gender Equality Action Plans
    (2016) GENOVATE partner institutions
    GENOVATE Evaluation Model is a synthesis of the main ideas and steps to take into account while evaluating Gender Equality Action Plans [GEAPs], with concrete examples and tips drawn from the practices of GENOVATE partners. It will be a useful tool for all those planning to carry out an evaluation of a GEAP.
(c) 2017 The GENOVATE partner institutions.